PhD en Ingeniería en Información Geo-Espacial, University of Wisconsin-Madison, EEUU. Master of Science, Gestión de Ingeniería y Construcción, University of Wisconsin-Madison, EEUU. Ingeniero Civil, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Valparaíso.
Profesional y académica con más de 14 años de experiencia nacional e internacional en las áreas de aplicaciones de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) en transporte, GPS, localización automáticas de vehículos (AVL) y sistemas inteligentes de transporte (ITS), y con 5 años de experiencia desarrollando análisis espaciales y temporales aplicados a la seguridad vial.
- Blazquez, C. and Celis, M. (2013) “A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Child Pedestrian Crashes in Santiago, Chile”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, pp. 304-311. (ISI)
- Blazquez, C., Miranda, P., and Ponce, A. (2012) “Performance of a New Enhanced Topological Decision Rule Map Matching Algorithm for Transportation Applications”, Journal of Applied Research & Technology 10, pp. 929-940 (ISI)
- Huang, S. H., Blazquez, C. (2012) “A Model for Solving the Dynamic Vehicle Dispatching Problem with Customer Uncertainty and Link Travel Time”, Revista Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad de Antioquia 64, pp. 167-178. (ISI)
- Caicedo, F., Blazquez, C., and Miranda, P. (2012) “Prediction of Parking Space Availability in Real Time”, Expert Systems with Applications 39 (8), 7281-7290. (ISI)
- Blazquez, C., Beghelli, A., and Meneses, V. (2012) “A Novel Methodology for Determining Low Cost PM10 Street Sweeping Routes”, Journal of Air & Waste Management Association 62 (2), 242-251. (ISI)
- Arribas, C., Blazquez, C., and Lamas, A. (2010) “Urban Solid Waste Collection System Using Mathematical Modelling and GIS Tools”, Waste Management & Research., 28 (4), 355-363. (ISI)
- Blazquez, C. and Vonderohe, A. (2009) “Effects of Controlling Parameters on Performance of a Decision-Rule Map-Matching Algorithm”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135 (12), 966-973. (ISI)
- Blazquez, C. and Vonderohe, A. (2005) “Simple Map-Matching Algorithm Applied to Intelligent Winter Maintenance Vehicle Data”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1935, 68-76. (ISI)
- Adams, T., Malaikrisanachalee, S., Blazquez, C., Lueck S., and Vonderohe, A. (2002). “Enterprise-Wide Data Integration and Analysis for Oversize/Overweight Permitting.” ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 16(1), 11-22. (ISI)
- Blazquez, C., Adams, T., and Keillor, P. (2001) “Optimization of Mechanical Dredging Operations for Sediments Remediation” ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, 127 (6), 299-307. (ISI)
- Blazquez, C., Adams, T., and Keillor, P. (2000) “Optimization of Mechanical Dredging Operations for Navigational Purposes” Journal of Dredging Engineering WEDA, 2 (4), 1-19.